Thursday, January 23, 2014

a million bucks~

the hubs & i did the grocery shopping today
 having to trudge around in 0 degree weather
in snow & ice & wind
then .....
put it in the cart
 take it out of the cart & put it on the checkout belt,pay for it
 put it back in the cart, put it in the car, take it out of the car
haul it all in the house
put it all away
cook it, eat it, clean it up
and then.....
 do it all again next week
 makes me stomp my feet, cross my arms & huff like a 8 year old child
it's my least favorite chore!

but this week involved two treats...
 the hubs going with me
and these.....

~springtime in a vase~

sometimes $6.00 can make you feel like a million bucks
(and make you act a little less like a 8 year old)



  1. Ohhh, so very sweet. They are beautiful and you so deserve springtime in a vase.
    Stay warm my friend.
    Much love to you,

  2. Oh chores!! I don't mind grocery shopping so much, but I do like going when there are fewer people out :) we decided to go on a Monday morning and it was perfect! We used to grocery shop on Saturday afternoons.... we'll definitely be shopping on Mondays now! lol And I agree, it's so much nicer when there is company along! and flowers!!! I love them so much! maybe I will find some this week too... :) hope you have a wonderful weekend, Katie!!

  3. I don't mind grocery shopping if I know what I'm in there for. I actually like it now. My son can't stand it, we are both happy when he doesn't come along. The meal planning for me is the true work. I'm like an 8 year old at the kitchen table trying to do "homework".

    But flowers yes, they really just make things a little brighter from the outside in. Totally worth it. I'm getting some this weekend!

  4. While I am always envious of your beautiful snow, I understand the troubles it comes with. It is okay to stomp your feet sometimes. Fits are usually short lived, but can help us to get it out. :) Love your beautiful flowers!
